Monday 23 April 2012

here are a few pics ... I have over 700 now !

sea shells

Nick with coffee cup

On our way to Cape Reinga

Near the Cape Reinga

Cape Reinga

The Lighthouse at Cape Reinga

The Pacific meets the Tasman Sea

Pat's tracks on the black sand at Muriwai Beach NW of Auckland

A big wave near Nick, Muriwai Beach

Nick's good deed ... diving for a lost bracelet

Pat at Angel Falls ... 45 min walk from road toward Auckland

Our campsite at Broken Hills gold mine ... we were the only one there

We hiked 3 hrs to walk the 0.5 km mine shaft

Hot springs at Rotorura

Hot springs at Kerosene Creek south of Rotorura ... Mike from Ireland told us about this.

Old volcano of Tongariro Nat. Park ...  Lord of Rings (LOR) used this mountain

Same park ... you know this as Modor Mtn from LOR

An ancient volcano from our campsite at sunset (5:45 p.m.)

Volcano on our 19 km hike ... "the crossing"

Mordor in the back on the crossing

The Emerald Lakes at the base of "Mordor"

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