Wednesday 14 August 2013

Deer Island, New Brunswick - Kayaking

 Weary campsite at Deer Island Point Campground

 Blue Heron skipping across the water.

 Heading into the fog from Richardsonville

 Dana heading out toward Northern Harbour

A foggy Northern Harbour in the background

 A fisherman's weir off the bow of my kayak.

 Wildlife at low tide.  Seals, Cormorants and gulls.

 A white seal

 Tour boat coming from St Andrew's Bay

 Sea Glass on a beach of St Helena Island

 Pulled up the kayaks to do some beach combing.

 A single Porpoise hunting for fish.

 Richardson Harbour with the red tint of sunset.

 The moon from Deer Island Point looking at Eastport, Maine, USA

The moon over the ferry route at L'Etete

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