Sunday 22 September 2013

Hike at Parrot's Bay Conservation Trail, Kingston, Ontario

This is a beginner's hike with nice clean trails.  The hike progresses around Parrot's Bay, however there is a short stretch along Hwy 33 that you must trek to make the connection from the East side of the trail to the West side.  There is only one steep location on the trail but the footing here is very good.

Where the trail begins on the Taylor Kidd side.

A narrow part of the trail.

From the open and into the cover of the woods

The trail scoots along a marsh

Under the tall pines alongside Parrott's Bay

The steepest part on the trail in my opinion

Ducks and geese on the bay

Hiking into the pine trees

From the foot bridge at the Taylor Kidd Blvd end of the trail.

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